7 Things to Bikers Need Watch Out for in Philippine Roads

As you brave the Metro Manila traffic on your daily commute to work or for a recreational ride to your favorite trail, you need to watch out for these possible accident causing elements on the road. You need to be vigilant in keeping track of your surroundings when pedaling through the chaos of Metro Manila.
1. Motorcycles

These guys are out there to kill you. They cut your path without any warning. They speed past you with barely an inch from you. They are the little bullies of the road.
These guys are everywhere. They have the same profile as a bicycle so they take your path. Be wary of them popping up on a gap between cars and cutting your path.

road trash

2. Jeepneys

The big bullies of Metro roads. They fill your lungs with thick black smoke and they cut the little path you have on the road gutter just for the fun of it. They'll kill you the moment they get the chance just like the recent accident in Antipolo.

To me, the jeepney is a Philippine icon representing how outdated and backwards this country is. With its heavy full metal body and smoke belching inefficient engine,  say goodbye to clean air.

Be wary of them suddenly overtaking you and then stopping in front just to get that 1 passenger still on the other side of the street. They also try their best to squish you on the gutter so just let them pass when you encounter one on the road.

3. Open Manholes/Uncovered Storm Drains

Missing manholes and stormdrain covers are abundant in the Philippines. They usually get stolen and sold for their metal value.  These missing covers pose a big threat on motorists and bikers alike. If you're not aware, you might run into one and risk damaging your bike and getting into an accident.

4. Potholes

Running into a pothole can throw you off your bike. Manila is ridden with these holes on the road. Expect to have more of this after a rain shower when the substandard cement or asphalt is dissolved by rain water.

5. Road trash and debris

Wood blocks from trucks, rubber strips from weathered tires, gravel, sand, road kill and a whole lot more. Keep away from this especially when your tires are skinny. Skinny tires can slip on one of these.

There was an accident on a recent ride from one of my colleague at work due to road debris. He slipped on the sand on the side of the road and threw him off. He hit his head and they had to operate on his brain to take out the bleeding.

6. Metal manhole covers and bridge expansion joints

These things are slippery especially when wet. Keep yourself away from these.

Oh a cyclist! Better gather up my phlegm.
7. Spit

It's not exactly dangerous but just superbly gross. Beware of people waiting on the side of the street and jeepneys(again?). You will be surprised with phlegm going your way if you're not careful. There's nothing best to ruin your day than to get spit all over your clothes with that yellowish sticky phlegm. It's a bonus if they git to hit you in the face.

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